Strength & Conditioning
Ideal for elite-level sportspeople, aspiring young athletes or your weekend warriors who wish to dominate their sport of choice with the use of strength and conditioning. Work on improved overall sporting performance whilst ensuring robustness to keep the injuries at bay.
Strength Development
Learn appropriate technique to improve overall movement efficiency and confidence OR you have simply hit a wall and would like to make strength gains (squat, bench press, deadlift, pull-up, shoulder press etc).
Strength Development
Learn appropriate technique to improve overall movement efficiency and confidence OR you have simply hit a wall and would like to make strength gains (squat, bench press, deadlift, pull-up, shoulder press etc).
Olympic Weightlifting
Caters for those who wish to improve their Olympic weightlifting technique and increase their overall snatch and clean & jerk numbers. Suitable for those who compete in weightlifting, CrossFit athletes, athletes who wish to improve their power output for their desired sport or those who simply want to learn weightlifting.
Motorsport athletic development
Provides strength and conditioning within the gym, race prep & assistance on race day to reduce the driver from experiencing unnecessary stress, in addition to overall guidance when it comes to nutrition, hydration, sleep and lifestyle on and off of the track.
Motorsport athletic development
Provides strength and conditioning within the gym, race prep & assistance on race day to reduce the driver from experiencing unnecessary stress, in addition to overall guidance when it comes to nutrition, hydration, sleep and lifestyle on and off of the track.